Category: Blog
Dressing for Success: Choosing the Right Attire for the Job
Starting at a new job can be a stressful and awkward moment in life. You have so many questions racing through your mind: Will I catch on quickly? Am I qualified to even do this job? Will the people be nice to work with? What do I need to bring on my first day? Among […]
Dear Atty: When it’s More then Just a Disruptive Employee.
Dear Atty: We have an employee who has been working for us for about five months as an administrative assistant. Recently she has become disruptive in meetings and disturbing her coworkers at their desks for unexplained reasons. In addition, she has been very disrespectful to her supervisor and has been late getting her work completed. Last month I called her in to […]
Dear Atty: Pregnancy disclosure and the law
Dear Attorney: My company recently hired a new employee, Mary, to work on an important project for a new client. The client’s project has a nine-month completion date. Unbeknown to me at the time of hire, Mary also was working on a project of her own with a nine-month completion date; she told me today that she is pregnant. My concern is […]
What to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer
Part 1 Whether you are still looking for your dream job or you’ve landed an offer, now is the right time determine your must-haves before signing on the dotted line. This two-part series will help you consider your options. Your Co-Workers Ask to meet the people that you will be working most closely with before […]
Dear Atty., Do I Legally Have To Tell The Truth About Why I Fired Someone?
Dear Attorney: We have a woman in our office named Bev. Let me start by saying that Bev is one of the nicest people you ever will meet. Unfortunately, she also is dumber than a box of rocks. Despite repeated instructions, she continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. We now are […]
What Are Drake Stars And Why Are They Important?
At Drake & Company, all of our candidates are important and we work very hard to get them placed in positions that they will love. During our background/reference checks, a chosen few of our candidates shine brightest, and are selected to be featured as our Drake Stars. These individuals have outstanding qualifications, reliability and ethics, […]
Dear Atty., Do I Legally Have To Hire This Criminal?
Dear Attorney: Our company recently extended a job offer to a woman to fill our vacant accounting/bookkeeper position. She is highly qualified and comes with great references. She is scheduled to start next week. After we extended the job offer to her, however, her future supervisor went on the internet and discovered that she has […]
Is your recruiter good, bad or great?
There are good recruiters, there are bad recruiters and there are great recruiters. Great recruiters help you prep for your job interviews. Bad recruiters leave you hanging. Here are just some of the ways that a great recruiter can help you nail your next job interview. Advise on how to dress – Professional attire […]
Drake & Company Celebrates International Women’s Day
In honor of International Women’s Day, I asked our CEO, Kelly Starr-King three questions. Here are her insightful answers. 1) Why is gender parity important in the workplace? “Balance within an office in gender, race, nationality, etc. brings strengths from all directions and that lends to a stronger team, whereas an imbalance can lead to […]
How To Recover From A Botched Job Interview
So, you botched an interview, your mind is racing thinking about all of the mistakes you’ve made. Your heart beats faster and you start to sweat. By now, you are mad and you blame yourself. Does that sound familiar? But what can you do? It has happened to the best of us. Just because you […]