Kim Starr Adds Author to Her Resume


KimBookKim Starr, the Vice President of Drake & Company’s Legal Division, recently published her first book titled “Sedona’s Story”. The book chronicles her family’s journey and understanding of her daughter’s autism diagnosis and Sedona’s connection with the spiritual world. Kim recently sat down to answer some questions about her writing process and what prompted her to share this very personal story.

How were you inspired to write your book?
I was told I had to by one person and strongly encouraged to by another. They said this is a story that has to be written down. I was already struggling to balance my job and my obsession with helping our daughter, and was quite frankly ticked off at the thought of having to write a book. But deep down I knew they were right, this was a story that might help others so I began to journal. I was surprised at how good it felt to get the feelings out of my heart and down on paper as I wrote about this time in our lives. So for three years I journaled, then I turned it over to the perfect editor and publisher that just happened to fall into my lap. I thought if there is a story here great, if not, I feel better because I got it all out of me.

What was the biggest challenge of writing the book?
The biggest challenge was reliving some of the violent situations. My editor was patient but adamant that I delve deep. I would literally close the computer and mumble, “I can’t do this right now.” Sometimes it would take a few days, other times I’d just need a couple of hours to get my head on straight and write. Right on the heels of that challenge is finding the time.

What is the greatest joy you have received from writing your book?
That it is over! Now I look back and say, “Wow, we are in such a better place.” Thank God!

Will you write another book someday?
I am a real non-fiction fan. I like studying the human condition, psychology was my major in college. And it is also why I love my job at Drake. If I did write another book, it would probably be a follow up to “Sedona’s Story”. To show how Sedona’s future unfolded, which none of us knows yet, and to help other families with autistic adults get services. The wait for housing an autistic adult is currently 12 years and that has to change.

What tips do you have for others who are trying to balance writing with family and work responsibilities?
Having a supportive partner on board is crucial. Also try to journal a couple times a week while it is still fresh. The public libraries are a great place to get a lot done in a couple of hours without interruption. And it helps me that my employer says, “Go whenever you have to go, we will take care of your desk.” That is rare and so appreciated.

Where can people purchase your book?
The book can be purchased through the Sedona’s Story

, Little Creek Press in Mineral Point, Mystery To Me on Monroe Street, First Unitarian Society, Amazon or just call me. I’m happy to save you the $3 postage and drop it off to you!

KimHeadshotKim Starr is the Vice President of the Legal Division at Drake & Company, a staffing firm based in Madison, Wisconsin. Drake & Company specializes in temporary, temp-to-hire, and direct hire administrative, clerical and legal placements. Since 1978, Drake has reached beyond skills and qualifications to match candidate personalities with a company’s culture.

StephanieHeadshotStephanie Beirne Leuer is the Marketing Coordinator at Drake & Company. You can find Drake & Company on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedInGoogle+, Instagram and Pinterest.