
Dear Atty., 8 Things Employers Do Illegally

Dear Attorney: As a faithful reader of this column, I know that most people write in with specific situations that they want you to address. My question is a little different. Given that you advise employers for a living, I am curious if there are certain mistakes that are commonly made by employers. For example, […]

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Dear Atty., How Do I Stop Employees From Recording Our Meetings

Dear Attorney: I am the HR Manager for my company. These days, it seems as though everyone has a cell phone that is capable of making audio and video recordings. This is creating a problem in our workplace. For example, we hold weekly staff meetings so that employees can share problems in the workplace and […]

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Dear Atty., How Do I Handle A Holiday Party, Alcohol and Sexual Discrimination

Dear Attorney: I am in charge of planning our company’s holiday party. The owner of the company told me that he wants this year’s party to be, “better than ever” but then added that he wants to make sure that the company doesn’t get into any trouble. Please help. What types of issues should I […]

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Dear Atty., Did I Discriminate During A Job Interview?

Dear Attorney: I own a business located here in Madison. A couple of weeks ago I was interviewing a candidate for a customer service position. A couple of minutes into the interview, the candidate went off on a rant about how she is an atheist and started questioning my company’s practices regarding time off for […]

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Dear Atty., Does ‘The Boss’ Reign Supreme?

The “Dear Atty” column is aimed at answering employers’ legal questions that surround issues in human resources. Attorney Pete Albrecht of Albrecht Backer Labor & Employment Law, S.C. welcomes you to for future editions of “Dear Atty.”   Dear Atty., I have a brother-in-law who is kind of a know-it-all. He runs his own business […]

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Dear Atty., How Do I End The Hostility?

The “Dear Atty.” column is aimed at answering employers’ legal questions that surround issues in human resources. Attorney Pete Albrecht of Albrecht Backer Labor & Employment Law, S.C. welcomes you to for future editions of “Dear Atty.”   Dear Atty., I am the human resources manager at our company. We have a salesman, Joe, who […]

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Dear Atty., Have I Stepped In It Deep Now?

The “Dear Atty” column is aimed at answering employers’ legal questions that surround issues in human resources. Attorney Pete Albrecht of Albrecht Backer Labor & Employment Law, S.C. welcomes you to here for future editions of “Dear Atty.”   Dear Atty., We are adding a new marketing position at our company and as a manager […]

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