
Is your recruiter good, bad or great?

  There are good recruiters, there are bad recruiters and there are great recruiters. Great recruiters help you prep for your job interviews. Bad recruiters leave you hanging. Here are just some of the ways that a great recruiter can help you nail your next job interview. Advise on how to dress – Professional attire […]

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What Not To Say To A Recruiter

Job recruiters are an excellent resource for job seekers. They are trained to access applicants’ skill sets and personalities based on the interview process. This allows them to match the right person with the right job. In order to get the most out if your experience with a recruiter avoid these “what not to say” […]

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What Does Your Celebrity Resume Look Like?

Recently, I changed my profile picture on Facebook to that of a celebrity that bears a small resemblance to me. The photo received a surprising amount of positive comments from family and friends who assumed I put in some extra effort with a new outfit and lipstick before posing for the picture. Throughout the day, […]

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Social Media Blunders From Job Seekers

We have all witnessed forehead-slapping moments on social media. You know the kind, like when a friend from college posts an inappropriate picture from a party or your cousin’s misuse of grammar is so shocking that it would horrify any English teacher. While these moments may seem harmless in the moment, these posts can harm […]

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Resume Spring Cleaning

This is the time of year when many of us clean out our garages, venture down to the basement to do a bit of reorganizing, and in general tidy up our living spaces.  Your resume deserves the same type of treatment from time to time, even if you are completely happy with your current job […]

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March Madness: What College Basketball Can Teach You About the Job Hunt

Similar to our obsession with the Olympics (which we wrote about a few weeks ago on the Drake blog), Americans seem to love the March Madness of college basketball. A recent survey estimates that over 176 million Americans tune in for the flurry of games each year, and of those, 50 million participate in March Madness pools, either within offices or as part of friendly bets with friends.

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The Never-Ending Winter: How Weather Affects Your Job Search

If the television series Game of Thrones was set in the Midwest, its tagline wouldn’t be “Winter is Coming”, but “Winter is Staying.”

Here in Madison, we’ve had an unprecedented number of Winter Storm Warnings and Wind Chill Advisories, and we’re honestly wondering if all of our children will have to stay in school through the end of June just to make up all of the snow and extreme cold days they’ve had.

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